2014 Third Mission Trip
Kijabe School
To build a stand alone kitchen for the school so preparation and distribution of nurishment could be inhanced and would not interupt the learning process.
Activities for Kijabe School
- Built a stand alone kitchen and store room for the Kijabe Nursery/Preschool
- Provided new uniforms for the students made by the ladies group in Wyoming
- Established a student sponsorship progrtam for the following year
- Visited the homes of students to learn about existing lifestyles and future needs
- Provided teaching and personal clothing items for Preschool and staff
- Provided science essons to Namoi’s Village, an orphanage, along with teaching supplies
Trip planning and ongoing projects for Kijabe School
- Provide pay for teachers and food for the students through the new sponsorship program
- Sent money to Alice and Mary for two milking cows to help them get by after being replaced by younger teachers as per government plans .
- Collect solar energy panels to provide needed power for projected technology implementation.
- Collect donated laptop computers for the classroom and teachers to facilitate governments goal to education the student in technology.
- Establish and implement an official student sponsorship program.
- Continue to improve student sponsorships through donations of uniforms for their entry into firsdt grade where they wilkl bed sent home without the uiniforms.
- Researching grant options to establish a feeding program that will continue to nourish the students as they progress through the public school system.
Naomi’s Village
Naomi’s Village Mission Trip 2014
This year was a little different. It was not Spring Break and the children were now in their own private school on grounds. We were able to have Vacation Bible School at the end of three days and learned about Elijah and the alters to baal and to the One True GOD, Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and David fighting Goliath. What fun we had learning about the work of our incredible God, while acting out these true stories. Memory verses, creative crafts and outdoor games finished up the VBS program.
Because the kids were in class much of the day, Kay worked with the older class while they completed an experiment called “Plane sense”. They had the opportunity to see how changing variables can affect the flight of a rubber band powered plane flying along a taut wire.
We were allowed to have the pre-school children for one whole morning and enjoyed using teddy bear manipulative in Math, completing new crafts and having the kids teach us a unique song.
The final day we worked in the nursery all morning. I loved having time with Naomi (now 2) and all of her friends. I had brought many activates and toys to use with these little ones. We also came with suitcases full of items the orphanage requested.
The last night I spent the night at the orphanage which gave me extra time to teach more crafts, play games and spend extra time with the children we had grown to love. Amazing children!!!!! Amazing God filled place!!!!!
Kay Mason and Darcy Englert visited Naomi’s Village to present another vacation Bible school while the directors were back in the States raising funds.
*Of note: Naomi’s Village student population is growing on a regular basis.