Be a Sponsor
A big thank you to the members of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Tucson, Arizona for answering the call to provide uniforms to our graduating preschool students.
The Jim Calfee Africa Project team would like to extend a huge thank you to the members of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Tucson, Arizona. Through your generous support the Kijabe Preschool has grown twelve fold and is now self-sustaining. JCAP has also provided many other services such as educational support, nutrition, electronics and computers, economic development support, farms, scholarships, medical services, and has provided for a host of other needs as they arose.
As usual JCAP provides new uniforms for its graduates so that they can enter the first grade with the uniforms the Kenyan Government requires. The graduating class numbers 52 students. The uniforms include: shoes, sweater, hat, socks, trouser or dress, shirt, and tie. The cost for a complete uniform is $70. As of this notice all but five of the students have been sponsored.
SPUMC has definitely made a difference in hundreds of lives in Kenya.
JCAP is a 501(c)3 charity.
If you would like to donate to the uniform fund for either the future preschool kids or the graduating kids you can also donate through this website.
Latest groups of graduates entering the first grade in Kijabe, Kenya.